Terms and Conditions

Created for You

§ 1. Preliminary provisions

  • The Crave3D website, available at the internet address Crave3d.pl, is operated by Adam Kopczyński, conducting business under the name Crave3D Adam Kopczyński, registered in the Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity (CEIDG) maintained by the Minister of Economy, NIP 9562242747, REGON 386324539.
  • This Terms and Conditions document is addressed to both Consumers and Entrepreneurs using the Website. It defines the rules for using the Online Store and the terms and procedures for concluding Distance Sales Agreements with the Customer via the Store.

§ 2. Definition

  • Consumer – a natural person entering into an agreement with the Seller via the Store, where the subject of the agreement is not directly related to their business or professional activity.
  • Seller – a natural person conducting business under the name Crave3D Adam Kopczyński, registered in the Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity (CEIDG) maintained by the Minister of Economy, NIP 9562242747, REGON 386324539.
  • Customer – any entity making purchases via the Store.
    Entrepreneur – a natural person, legal person, or organizational unit without legal personality that is granted legal capacity by a separate act, conducting business activity in their own name and using the Store.
  • Store – the online store operated by the Seller at the internet address www.crave3d.eu.
  • Distance agreement – an agreement concluded with the Customer as part of an organized system for distance agreements (via the Store), without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties, using exclusively one or more means of remote communication until the conclusion of the agreement.
  • Terms and conditions – these terms and conditions of the Store.
  • Order – a declaration of the Customer’s intent submitted via the Order Form, aimed directly at concluding a Sales Agreement for a Product or Products with the Seller.
  • Order form – an interactive form available in the Store that enables placing an Order, particularly by adding Products to the Cart and specifying the terms of the Sales Agreement, including delivery and payment methods.
  • Product – a movable item/service available in the Store, which is the subject of the Sales Agreement between the Customer and the Seller.
  • Sales agreement – a sales agreement for a Product concluded or entered into between the Customer and the Seller via the online Store. Depending on the Product’s characteristics, the Sales Agreement also includes service agreements and work contracts.

§ 3. Contact with the store

  • Seller’s address: Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 75W, 87-100 Toruń
  • Seller’s Email address: crave3d@crave3d.pl
  • Seller’s phone number: +48 780 609 207
  • Seller’s bank account number: 16 1140 2004 0000 3002 8010 8818
  • The Customer can contact the Seller using the addresses and phone numbers provided in this paragraph.
  • The Customer can contact the Seller by phone between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

§ 4. Technical requirements

To use the Store, including browsing the Store’s assortment and placing orders for Products, the following are required:

  • an end device with Internet access and a web browser,
  • an active email account,
  • enabled cookie support,
  • installed FlashPlayer software.

§ 5. Execution of the sales agreement

  • The conclusion of the Sales Agreement between the Customer and the Seller occurs after the Customer places an Order using the Order Form in the Online Store, in accordance with § 7 of the Terms and Conditions.
  • After placing the Order, the Seller promptly confirms its receipt and simultaneously accepts the Order for processing. The confirmation of receipt and acceptance of the Order is made by sending the Customer an appropriate email to the email address provided during the Order placement. This email includes at least the Seller’s statements confirming receipt and acceptance of the Order, as well as confirmation of the conclusion of the Sales Agreement. The Sales Agreement is deemed concluded upon the Customer receiving the above-mentioned email.
  • In the case of the Customer choosing:
  • Bank transfer, electronic payment, or payment by card, the Customer is required to make the payment within …. calendar days from the conclusion of the Sales Agreement; otherwise, the order will be canceled.
  • Cash on delivery, the Customer is required to pay upon receipt of the shipment.
  • Cash payment upon personal collection, the Customer is required to pay upon receipt of the shipment within …. days from receiving information about the readiness of the shipment for collection.
  • If the Customer selects a delivery method other than personal collection, the Product will be shipped by the Seller within the time specified in its description (subject to clause 5 of this section), using the delivery method chosen by the Customer when placing the Order.
  • In the case of an order containing Products with different delivery times, the delivery time will correspond to the longest specified delivery time.

In the case of an order containing Products with different delivery times, the Customer has the option to request partial delivery of the Products or delivery of all Products once the entire order is complete.

The start of the delivery time for the Product to the Customer is calculated as follows:

    • In the case of the Customer choosing payment by bank transfer, electronic payment, or payment by card – from the date the Seller’s bank account is credited.
    • In the case of the Customer choosing payment on delivery – from the date the Sales Agreement is concluded.
  • If the Customer chooses personal collection of the Product, the Product will be ready for collection by the Customer within the time specified in the Product’s description. The Customer will additionally be informed of the Product’s readiness for collection by the Seller via an appropriate email sent to the email address provided during the Order placement.
  • In the case of an order containing Products with different readiness times for collection, the Customer may choose to collect the Products in parts (as they become ready) or collect all Products once the entire order is complete.
  • The start of the readiness period for the Product to be collected by the Customer is calculated as follows:
    • In the case of the Customer choosing payment by bank transfer, electronic payment, or payment by card – from the date the Seller’s bank account is credited.
    • In the case of the Customer choosing cash payment upon personal collection – from the date the Sales Agreement is concluded.
  • Product delivery is available within Europe.
  • Delivery of the Product to the Customer is subject to a fee unless otherwise stated in the Sales Agreement. Delivery costs (including fees for transport, shipping, and postal services) are indicated to the Customer on the Online Store’s “Delivery Costs” page and during the Order placement process, including at the moment the Customer expresses their intent to be bound by the Sales Agreement.
  • Personal collection of the Product by the Customer is free of charge.

§ 6. Right of withdrawal from the agreement

  • The Consumer may withdraw from the Sales Agreement within 21 days without providing any reason.
  • The withdrawal period specified in clause 1 begins from the delivery of the Product to the Consumer or a person indicated by them other than the carrier.
  • In the case of an Agreement covering multiple Products delivered separately, in batches, or in parts, the period specified in clause 1 begins from the delivery of the last item, batch, or part.
  • In the case of an Agreement for the regular delivery of Products for a specified period (subscription), the period specified in clause 1 begins from the possession of the first item.
  • The Consumer may withdraw from the Agreement by submitting a declaration of withdrawal to the Seller. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for the Consumer to send the declaration before the deadline expires.
  • The declaration may be sent by traditional mail, fax, or electronically to the Seller’s email address, or submitted via the Seller’s website – the Seller’s contact details are provided in § 3. The declaration may also be submitted using the form, a template of which is attached as Annex 1 to these Terms and Conditions and the Consumer Rights Act of May 30, 2014, but this is not mandatory.

§ 7. Complaint and warranty

  • The Sales Agreement covers both new and used Products. The condition of each used Product is described in detail on the Store’s pages.
  • The Seller is obliged to deliver goods free from defects to the Customer.
  • In the event of a defect in the goods purchased from the Seller, the Customer has the right to file a complaint based on the warranty provisions in the Civil Code.
  • Complaints should be submitted in writing or electronically to the Seller’s addresses provided in these Terms and Conditions.
  • The Seller will respond to the complaint promptly, no later than within 14 days. If the Seller does not respond within this time frame, the Customer’s complaint will be deemed justified.
  • Products returned as part of the complaint procedure should be sent to the following address: Forteczna 13/8, 87-100 Toruń.
  • If the Product is covered by a warranty, information about the warranty and its terms will be included in the Product description on the Store’s website.

§ 8. Out-of-Court complaint and claim resolution methods

  • Detailed information on the Consumer’s ability to use out-of-court methods for handling complaints and pursuing claims, as well as the rules for accessing these procedures, is available at the offices and on the websites of municipal (county) consumer ombudsmen, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, Provincial Inspectorates of Trade Inspection, and at the following websites of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK):
  • The Consumer has the following options for using out-of-court methods for handling complaints and pursuing claims:
  • The Consumer is entitled to apply to the permanent consumer arbitration court mentioned in Article 37 of the Act of December 15, 2000, on Trade Inspection (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 148, as amended), with a request to resolve a dispute arising from the Agreement concluded with the Seller.
  • The Consumer is entitled to apply to the Provincial Inspector of Trade Inspection, pursuant to Article 36 of the Act of December 15, 2000, on Trade Inspection (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 148, as amended), with a request to initiate mediation proceedings to amicably resolve a dispute between the Consumer and the Seller.
  • The Consumer can also obtain free assistance in resolving a dispute between themselves and the Seller by using the free services of a municipal (county) consumer ombudsman or a social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection (e.g., the Consumer Federation or the Polish Consumers Association).

§ 9. Final provisions

  1. Agreements concluded through the Online Store are made in the Polish language.
  2. The Seller reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions for valid reasons, such as changes in legal regulations or modifications to payment and delivery methods, to the extent that these changes affect the implementation of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. The Seller will inform the Customer about any changes at least 7 days in advance.
  3. In matters not regulated by these Terms and Conditions, the generally applicable provisions of Polish law shall apply, in particular: the Civil Code; the Act on Providing Services by Electronic Means; the Consumer Rights Act; and the Personal Data Protection Act.
  4. The Customer has the right to use out-of-court complaint and claim resolution methods. To do so, they may submit a complaint via the EU’s ODR online platform available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.